They keep asking questions, questions that I have no answers to. Today we were asked ‘where do you see yourself in one year’ and I watched everyone around give tangible answers and I couldn’t come up with anything except my usual answer for as long as I can remember.
‘I’ll be dead’. Continue reading

Safe Haven

Disclaimers: Mine

Sex: If you have to ask that, then you don’t know my work

Violence: Yes, there is a ton of violence so if this type of thing ain’t got you, just go ahead and press the X on your screen.

Note: This novel is going to come in chapters and I’ll try my best to upload as soon as I can. If you have any opinion on the writing you can reach me sandiedebbie6514@gmail.com


August, 2003

I was running, running faster than I ever had in my entire 17 years on earth. I looked at my sister running beside me and I felt fresh tears spring to my eyes. Her face was bruised from where my dad had hit her earlier and she was trying to clutch her hand which I thought was broken at this point. I stopped running and watched her stop in front of me. “I think we should stop for a bit. You’re in a lot of pain and I’m getting tired, so are you by the way. We’ve run far enough” I told her.

“Yeah, let’s just find a place to stay and tomorrow, we are booking the first bus first thing in the morning so we can get out of this state, Okay?” I nodded and tried to wipe the sweat on my forehead.

“I think I grabbed some cash and your wallet from our room, we can just check into a hotel for the night. I just hope he doesn’t find us tonight” I said to my sister. She turned and put her hand around my shoulder as a sign of comfort. I was grateful for her cause through all the bad things we’ve gone through at an early stage in life, she has always been the corner stone. Tomorrow was another day and I believed we would conquer the night for it.

“I’m so proud of you for having enough sense to do that when I couldn’t” she smiled through her tears. “I hope we get through tonight and see what tomorrow will be like”. And we kept walking then.

The events of this day will slowly unfold as I begin to tell my story from the view of adulthood. The details are gory but I promised myself that I would tell it one day, so untwist your knickers cause it’s going to be a very long one..

Outcome- Chapter One

I could hear the police talking to my elder brother in the parlour. They were murmuring or should I say whispering but whatever it was they were talking about, I knew it was not going to be good. Then I heard “…..give me his contact info and we will try to reach him. Is there any other place you can go to this night?” I guess my brother nodded in the non affirmative cause the next thing I heard was “Try to get some sleep this night and tomorrow we will come get you and your sisters to identify them. Goodnight”. Then, I heard the slamming of the door. I slowly walked into the parlour with my little sister Kam gripping my fingers tightly.

” Junior?” he didn’t answer and I tried again. “Junior, what happened? Why were they here?”

“They said…..they said that Mom and Dad were in an accident at Buka road. They are both dead, V”. Then he started crying while I stood there in shock. Kim was crying too but the first thought that filtered through my mind then was ‘I’m just fourteen, my parents can’t be dead. It’s a lie’. I couldn’t stand and I grabbed Kam and went to sit down on the couch next to Junior but he stood up and left for his room. I was waiting to hear the reverberating sound his door always made when he banged it shut but it never came. Kam was still crying and I could feel her hot tears on my neck where she rested her head. Then I heard her asking a question.

” Where are we going to live now?” The thought never entered my mind and with that came the thought that brought with it fear and goosebumps running through my little body. Life was just cruel. I knew who we were going to live with and he was not a good person. Uncle Sal.

“Kam, don’t worry. Tomorrow, we will see what the police will decide. I overheard them talking with Junior, okay?”

“Okay” Kam nodded.

“The both of you should try and eat and get some sleep. I’ll try reaching uncle Sal to see if he can be here tomorrow morning”. I didn’t even hear Junior entering the parlour. I tried eating but it couldn’t go down so I stopped trying and forced Kam to eat. She was just ten and I couldn’t let her go to bed hungry. Junior sat on the floor waiting for us to finish.

Junior was just seventeen, three more months for him to be done with secondary school. I wondered about what was going through his mind but I could not fathom so I just let my mind wander to other thoughts. We finished eating in silent and Junior suggested that we all slept together in his room. When we went into his room, he got through to uncle Sal and he said he would be here tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring with it, its own trouble. Uncle Sal. Uncle Sal that I was sure my parents had gone to see at Buka street because of me.



I didn’t realize that it would change my life forever. Didn’t realize that following my gut instinct would lead me to something much more bigger than me. Here I was, standing beside a dead man and holding my breath which I realize now, takes much more effort. Here I am rambling when I should be telling you the story of how I came to be standing beside a dead man. Hang on to your seats cause this is going to be a bumpy ride through pain, abuse and sacrifice. Here it goes…

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